Ask us about a General Terms Agreement (GTA)
Everything you need in one place, Reliability, Quality and at the best price.
Critical parts and components can be aligned to your specific usage, and location.
Service Levels Guaranteed
Agreed service levels and guarantees are put in place to ensure consistent service.
Global Repair Capability
Exodus global repair capability and dedicated customer service professional will support everything you need alongside guaranteed Turn-Around-Times.
Pricing Benefits
Controls are in place to ensure you obtain the best market price on every transaction.
Warranty Management
Exodus provides a comprehensive warranty service for all parts supplied and included within the agreement.
Offering Quality Of Service Then No Other
Here is why
Exodus Aviation has the ability to develop a customized tailored component support package that delivers Power by the Hour (PBH) with the highest level of service you would expect.
Exodus Aviation's Customized PBH program is a comprehensive program of inventory pooling, base kits, logistics, component repairs and procurement that minimizes operational burden and improves inefficiencies.
Our technical team works directly with operators to determine key program needs. Our program delivers a service customized to the requirements of the individual operator.
No restrictions, any size of fleet
Exodus can provide you with a power-by-the-hour service for modern, commercial Boeing or Airbus aircraft. We guarantee the supply, repair and overhaul of rotable components within all ATA chapters to the latest modification status.
Exodus has no restrictions or limitations, no matter what your fleet size may be.
A tailored power-by-the-hour program will include:
Component cover of your choice
Recommended stock and stock positioning
Access to rotables on a pool basis
Component repair and overhaul management
Engine management
Contractual purchasing
Logistics and transport services
Critical Response service
No restrictions, reduced costs
Exodus Aviation provides the professional alternative to the traditional airline model where capital is locked up in slow moving and expensive inventories.
We can reduce costs by up to 30% and provide a new source of cash with up to 70% off manufacturers' list prices.
Invest in availability based on service levels, not in components
Advanced exchange is provided to a guaranteed service level
Pool access is available against a defined inventory range and chosen locations
Exodus pools are profiled to match airline fit and any additional costs are our responsibility
Inherent flexibility is provided as airline operations and fleets change
Fully integrated component maintenance
Exodus will provide you with a dedicated contract team to manage your support requirements. All maintenance issues become the responsibility of Exodus Aviation allowing you to focus on other operational issues.
Unlimited support liability
Total ATA chapter coverage
The Exodus Aviation service is all about component supply and management - from the continually refined inventory and exchange pool, to overhaul and repair.
Exodus Aviation provides unbeatable component, avionics and engine support, whether customers want to buy, exchange or loan, make a single purchase, or opt for a full provisioning package.
Fully integrated component maintenance
Exodus Aviation is aligned to operators objectives, helping them to plan and manage expenditures effectively. Our power-by-the-hour program offer coverage of all ATA Chapters with no restrictions or limitations. Coverage can also be determined against a defined list of part numbers.